This is the place where I store the words when I surfing. Share with u.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
flashfxp use private key
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
sfConfig in tasks to access app.yml
so you cannot get any app.yml definition.
for that you need to specify an application when you call the tasks ex:
symfony project:do-nothing --application="frontend"
and then you will be able to get the value of sfConfig::get('app_sender_email')
It should be possible to setup a default application, but i didn't find it out.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Functions to Import/Export CSV data utf-8
This function has just one argument - the query that returns the necessary data to be exported.
Example: CSVExport("SELECT name,username,email,url FROM User WHERE status=1");
This will upload a CSV file and import the data into the specified table. This function must have the following arguments...
- $table
- The name of the table the data must be imported to
- $fields
- An array of fields that will be used
- $csv_fieldname
- The name of the CSV file field
Example: CSVImport("User", array('name','username','email','url'), "csv_file");
//Get the result of the query as a CSV stream.
function CSVExport($query) {
$sql_csv = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); //Replace this line with what is appropriate for your DB abstraction layer
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($sql_csv)) {
print '"' . stripslashes(implode('","',$row)) . "\"\n";
//Import the contents of a CSV file after uploading it
//Aruguments : $table - The name of the table the data must be imported to
// $fields - An array of fields that will be used
// $csv_fieldname - The name of the CSV file field
function CSVImport($table, $fields, $csv_fieldname='csv') {
if(!$_FILES[$csv_fieldname]['name']) return;
$handle = fopen($_FILES[$csv_fieldname]['tmp_name'],'r');
if(!$handle) die('Cannot open uploaded file.');
$row_count = 0;
$sql_query = "INSERT INTO $table(". implode(',',$fields) .") VALUES(";
$rows = array();
//Read the file as csv
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
foreach($data as $key=>$value) {
$data[$key] = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'";
$rows[] = implode(",",$data);
$sql_query .= implode("),(", $rows);
$sql_query .= ")";
if(count($rows)) { //If some recores were found,
//Replace these line with what is appropriate for your DB abstraction layer
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); //Delete the existing records
mysql_query($sql_query) or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); // and insert the new ones.
print 'Successfully imported '.$row_count.' record(s)';
} else {
print 'Cannot import data - no records found.';
Monday, November 28, 2011
Creating utf-8 tables in symfony 1.4 /doctrine 1.2
Recently I had an issue on one of my work websites where the database schema was setup in Latin-1 encoding, this was fine till the encoding of the website was also set to iso-8859-1 and nothing fancy was going on. However later in the last few months, I had been doing some development which required me to change the encoding to utf-8 and that resulted in a lot of issues. Some I am still resolving. One of the two solutions that we came up was assign it a custom function for 'escaping_strategy', which however wasn't the silver bullet to fix as there was more crazy code that was getting raw value from the model and hence our function would get by passed. I am still looking for better ways of fixing it (seems very likely a case of massive re-factoring required) however, this one tip was handy.
If you want to create an individual table to be utf-8 then in the schema.yml you can add.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | User: options: type: MyISAM collate: utf8_unicode_ci charset: utf8 columns: username: string(255) password: string(255) |
However this can be a painful repetitive task, especially if you have loads and loads of tables to work with. In case you are like me and prefer all your tables to be utf-8 by default, you can add this function to your ProjectConfiguration.class.php file.
1 2 3 4 5 | public function configureDoctrine(Doctrine_Manager $manager) { $manager->setCollate('utf8_unicode_ci'); $manager->setCharset('utf8'); } |
and then rebuild all the models (and possibly load your fixtures if you have any.
1 | # symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load --env=dev --no-confirmation |
Obviously bare in mind that this will drop your database and re-create the tables with utf-8 encoding.
If anyone has any suggestions for my problem, do leave a comment.
How to Enable Local SMTP (Postfix) on OS-X Leopard
OS-X Leopard comes pre-installed with a Postfix version. No need to install it via darwin ports or other such mess (actually uninstall it if you have previously manually installed it via ports or something similar). Postfix just needs to be enabled and following sequence of several easy steps explains how to do it:
sudo vi /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist
add following line before the closing </dict> tag:
<key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>KeepAlive</key> <true/>
Start service with
$ sudo launchctl launchd% start org.postfix.master
You can also start simply with "sudo postfix start" but the above command will start via launch sequence and test the configuration you edited in the previous step.
Check that SMPT is running:
telnet localhost 25
For more information, see: Mac OS X Manual Page For launchd.plist
Symfony : Radio Widgets with formatting, radio_list formatter
Suppose you want to create widgets for the set of radio buttons with the option of html formatting of the radio button. creating a form class in module lib directory say Itinerary.Form.class.php
// Itinerary.Form.class.php
class ItineraryForm extends sfForm
public static function radioFormatter($widgets, $inputs)
$rows = array();
foreach ($inputs as $input)
$rows[] = $input['input'].$input['label'];
return "".implode("", $rows)."";
public function configure()
$tourTipChoice = array(
'tourItinerary' => 'Itinerary',
'InclusionsExclusions'=> 'Inclusions/ Exclusions',
'sightSeeing' => 'Sightseeing'
$this->setWidgets(array( 'tourTip' => new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio(array(
'choices' => $tourTipChoice,
'formatter' => array($this, 'radioFormatter')
$this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
$this->validatorSchema->setOption('filter_extra_fields', false);
$this->setDefault('tourTip', 'Itinerary');
after that just creating the object this class in action.class.php.
suppose you want to render the widget in your index file. so just create object inside the index funciton like as :
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->form = new ItineraryTourForm(); //Used to call form widgets
now you have to call only the function inside template i.e. in indexSuccess.php
echo $form['tourTip']->render();
It will render the radio button list in the vertical format as we set in formatter. If we want to add other event on the radio button like onclick(), onsubmit() etc... i.e.
echo $form['tourTip']->render( array('onclick'=> 'showtourTip(this.value);'));
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Using Subversion without a Subversion server
For a while now I've been using Subversion locally for version control on some of my small projects, but recently realized that I've been using it in a way that many people may not know is possible. I use Subversion without actually having a Subversion server anywhere in sight. How is this possible? Simple!
A Subversion repository is merely a set of files that hold all the information about the files, changes, and even users. The Subversion server is merely a gateway between the client and the repository files. If you take out the server and point the client directly the repository files, it will be right at home!
Some of the advantages of using Subversion this way are:
- No software to install, configure, eat resources, or open any ports!
- Flat file based. Want to move your repositories elsewhere? Just move the files!
- Can place your repositories on a NAS device, USB drive, even USB memory stick. Since there is no software, the NAS device doesn't have to have a built-in Subversion server or any junk like that.
- Wanted them internet accessible. I have my repositories placed on my NAS device, so if I am out and about and need to get an update, I can just VPN into my home router, and then access it on the NAS device as if I was at home on the network.
So how can you configure Subversion to work this way? Follow these steps:
Install TortoiseSVN. It rocks.
- Go to a place where you want the repositories to reside. These will not be your live usable files, these will be the files that are a part of the repository file structure.
- Create a new empty folder and use the name of the repository you want to create.
- Go into the folder, right click, and go to TortoiseSVN -> Create repository here. Choose the Native filesystem.
- Go to where you want your live, usable files to be and create a new folder for them.
Go into the new folder, right click and go to SVN Checkout. The URL of the repository will follow the "file://" pattern. Your base URL is "file:///" (yes, three slashes). From there, you will use your standard file path, leaving out any semi-colons (:) and changing "\" to "/". So if you created a repository at D:\repositories\test, you would use "file:///d/repositories/test". If you created the repository on another system or on a NAS device, where your address would normally be "\nas-device\repositories\test", you would use "file://///nas-device/repositories/test" (yup, 5 slashes).
One important thing to note about using Subversion this way is that there is limited security when working this way. Anyone who has access to the files will be able to get the files and make check-ins. If you wish to limit access, the best way would be through filesystem permissions. Additionally, on a network share or NAS box, you could require user logins to get access to the files. Another thing is that user tracking uses the username of the user on the Windows machine. You can still track who checked in what, but it gets the username automatically, without doing any user authentication on the repository. It will ignore the repositories conf\svnserve.conf and conf\passwd settings.
The URLs you enter may not be the clearest, but this is by far the simplest way to get up and going with Subversion for your own personal use. My own repositories are kept on my NAS box, accessible from both my desktop and my laptop, and can even get on it remotely by VPN. All with zero install and configuration.
Friday, November 18, 2011
symfony mac xampp no database connection
sfAdminDashPlugin no menu item
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
migrate users from joomla 1.5 to 1.6 / 1.7
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
How to Write a symfony Plugin
One of the main things that makes symfony great is its thorough, clearly-written documentation. However, the documentation on how to write a plugin seems a trifle incomplete, so I will attempt to supplement it here by writing a comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial.
First let me point out what is already out there. The official documentation on how to write a symfony plugin is here. There is also a slideshow here (apparently authored by Fabien himself) that sheds some more light on the subject. Using these two sources I was able to piece together a plugin of my own but it took some head scratching. My goal here is to walk you through the plugin creation process with minimal cognitive strain.
The Plugin: jsHelloWorldPlugin
The plugin we will write today will be called jsHelloWorldPlugin. A quick note about the name: The "sf" prefix is reserved for symfony-ordained plugins. I chose "js" for my initials but the first two letters can, of course, be whatever you want them to be. The name of the plugin should end in "Plugin".
To keep things simple, we'll have this plugin perform one simple (and classic) task: print "Hello, world!" to the screen. We'll accomplish this by creating a symfony task.
Installing sfTaskExtraPlugin
The sfTaskExtraPlugin has a nifty task bundled with it that lets you kick off your plugin creation by running a simple command. Let's start by installing that:
$ php symfony plugin:install sfTaskExtraPlugin
Generating the Task
We can now generate the plugin by running the following command:
$ php symfony generate:plugin jsHelloWorldPlugin
Writing the Task
Next we'll create a task. As you can see in the symfony task documentation, you can create a task using generate:task. We'll call our task helloWorld
, so we'll run this command:
$ php symfony generate:task helloWorld
This generates a task at lib/task/helloWorldTask.class.php
. This isn't ultimately where we'll want it but we'll leave it there for now while we get the task working. Since all we need to do is print "Hello, world!", let's clear the contents of the execute()
method and put our own code in:
protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { echo 'Hello, world!'."\n"; }
Let's see what happens when we try to run the task:
$ php symfony helloWorld Hello, world!
Success! Now that we have that task working, let's move it from our project and into our plugin. First we'll have to create a lib/task
directory in our plugin folder:
$ mkdir plugins/jsHelloWorldPlugin/lib/task
Now let's move the task:$ mv lib/task/helloWorldTask.class.php plugins/jsHelloWorldPlugin/lib/task/
If you try to run the task again, you'll notice that it won't work. That's okay. We have to install the plugin properly in order for the task to work again.
Getting the Plugin Ready For Installation
There are certain things that need to (or at least should) be in place in order for people to be able to install our plugin. First let's make a README file at jsHelloWorldPlugin/README
jsHelloWorldPlugin ================= This plugin prints "Hello, World!" to the screen. Installation ------------ * Install the plugin $ symfony plugin:install jsHelloWorldPlugin.tgz * Clear the cache $ symfony cache:clear Documentation ------------- Once the plugin is installed, run the following command: $ symfony helloWorld
Next we'll create a license file at plugins/jsHelloWorldPlugin/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2010 Jason Swett Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
Now we'll take the important step of creating a package.xml
file atplugins/jsHelloWorldPlugin/package.xml
. You can see what a package file is supposed to look likehere. Ours can look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <package packagerversion="1.4.6" version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:tasks="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <name>jsHelloWorldPlugin</name> <channel></channel> <summary>sample plugin</summary> <description>Just a test plugin</description> <lead> <name>Jason Swett</name> <user>jasonswett</user> <email></email> <active>yes</active> </lead> <date>2010-09-08</date> <time>15:54:35</time> <version> <release>1.0.0</release> <api>1.0.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="">MIT license</license> <notes>-</notes> <contents> <dir name="/"> <file role="data" name="README" /> <file role="data" name="LICENSE" /> <dir name="lib"> <dir name="task"> <!-- tasks --> <file role="data" name="helloWorldTask.class.php" /> </dir> </dir> </dir> </contents> <dependencies> <required> <php> <min>5.1.0</min> </php> <pearinstaller> <min>1.4.1</min> </pearinstaller> <package> <name>symfony</name> <channel></channel> <min>1.4.0</min> </package> </required> </dependencies> <phprelease /> <changelog /> </package>
Now we're ready to wrap everything up into a nice package. Rename your plugin directory to include the version name:
$ mv plugins/jsHelloWorldPlugin/ jsHelloWorldPlugin-1.0.0
Now compress the plugin folder into a .tgz
$ tar cvzf jsHelloWorldPlugin-1.0.0.tgz jsHelloWorldPlugin-1.0.0/
Installing the Plugin
Now you can install the plugin like this:
$ php symfony plugin:install jsHelloWorldPlugin-1.0.0.tgz
Testing the Plugin
To test your plugin, simply run your helloWorld task like you did before:
$ php symfony helloWorld
Congratulations! You just wrote your first plugin.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
latest version of sfSslRequirementPlugin, for symfony 1.2 1.3 1.4
otherwise you get
Fatal error: Class 'sfSslRequirementFilter' not found
Forcing SSL and HTTPS with Redirects on Symfony 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Forcing SSL on certain modules and actions used to be pretty simple with Symfony's sfSslRequirementPlugin, however since Symfony 1.2 came out - it isn't necessarily compatible. I took a look around the internet for options, however I was rather unsatisfied with the options. Because I need to be able to secure modules and actions, I took it upon myself to create a better way to secure modules.
The code I wrote It is based off of Say No To Flash's filter that they wrote, however I was generally displeased with their method. t loops over the list twice, and is generally a garble of logic that is a little bit hard to understand, and could probably be done better.
I was planning on making this system more complicated by specifying if SSL was enabled or disabled by default, however that became too distorted in the code to make good, logical sense that was easy to read and maintain.
Edit your filters.yml File
Open up your apps/app_name/config/filters.yml
file, and add in after the security filter:
sslFilter: class: sslFilter
This code tells Symfony to load and execute the filter you'll be creating.
It should look something like this:
rendering: ~ security: ~ sslFilter: class: sslFilter cache: ~ common: ~ execution: ~
Edit your app.yml File
Open the apps/app_name/config/app.yml
file, and add the following at the end:
all: ssl: strict: true modules: - { module: some_module } - { module: another_module } - { module: insecure_module, action: secure_action } - { module: insecure_module, action: another_secure_action }
In the previous code, the
strict: true
code forces strict checking. Strict
checking means that if someone accesses a URL that isn't specified as secure via HTTPS, it will redirect them to the HTTP. If strict is set to false, it will allow them to access any module through HTTPS.
After that, the - { module: insecure_module, action: another_secure_action }
code is how you set each module and action. If you want an entire module to be secure, don't include the action section of that, however you need a line like that for every module and action you want to secure.
Create a Filter
Create a file in apps/app_name/lib/
named sfSslFilter.class.php
, and put in it:
<?php /** * @author Graham Christensen * */ class sslFilter extends sfFilter { public function execute ($filterChain) { $context = $this->getContext(); $request = $context->getRequest(); // Perform strict checking of security // IE: If it's HTTPS and shouldn't be, make it HTTP if (sfConfig::has('app_ssl_strict')) { $only_explicit = (bool) sfConfig::get('app_ssl_strict'); } else { $only_explicit = false; } // Get a list of all the modules to check for $modules = sfConfig::get('app_ssl_modules'); // Set the modules variable to an array, this is // if it's not configured for this particular environment. if (!is_array($modules)) { $modules = array(); } // Store the module name and action name into variables // to simplify the code, and reduce function calls. $module_name = $context->getModuleName(); $action_name = $context->getActionName(); // Check if the current request matches a security module // If the module or module & action is specified, then // ensure it's correctly set. $listed = false; foreach ($modules as $action) { // If the module name is listed if ($action['module'] == $module_name) { // If the whole module is listed, or the action // specifically if (!isset($action['action']) || $action_name == $action['action']) { $listed = true; break; } } } $is_secure = $request->isSecure(); // If modules have to be explicitly listed, it is // secure, and it's not listed - then redirect if ($only_explicit && $is_secure && !$listed) { return self::doRedirect($context); } // If it's not secure, and it's listed as having to be if (!$is_secure && $listed) { return self::doRedirect($context); } // Continue on with the chain, but it will only do that if // we didn't need to redirect. $filterChain->execute(); } public static function doRedirect($context) { $request = $context->getRequest(); $controller = $context->getController(); // Determine which direction we want to go if ($request->isSecure()) { // Switch to insecure $from = 'https://'; $to = 'http://'; } else { // Switch to secure $from = 'http://'; $to = 'https://'; } $redirect_to = str_replace($from, $to, $request->getUri()); return $controller->redirect($redirect_to, 0, 301); } } ?>
The beginning of this is pretty simple, it just gets the configuration settings outlined in theapp.yml
file, and then goes to town doing it's job.
<? // Check if the current request matches a security module // If the module or module & action is specified, then // ensure it's correctly set. $listed = false; foreach ($modules as $action) { // If the module name is listed if ($action['module'] == $module_name) { // If the whole module is listed, or the action // specifically if (!isset($action['action']) || $action_name == $action['action']) { $listed = true; break; } } } ?>
That code goes over every module in the app.yml file, and sees if the current requests' module matches, or if the module and action matches. If it does, it sets $listed to true and exits the loop. This tells the code that it is needs to ensure security on the current request.
<?php> // If modules have to be explicitly listed, it is // secure, and it's not listed - then redirect if ($only_explicit && $is_secure && !$listed) { return self::doRedirect($context); } ?>
That code ensures that if explicit checking is on and that the request is currently using HTTPS and it shouldn't be, it is redirected to become HTTP.
<?php // If it's not secure, and it's listed as having to be if (!$is_secure && $listed) { return self::doRedirect($context); } ?>
If the module/action is listed as needing to be secure and it isn't, then perform the redirect.
<?php public static function doRedirect($context) { $request = $context->getRequest(); $controller = $context->getController(); // Determine which direction we want to go if ($request->isSecure()) { // Switch to insecure $from = 'https://'; $to = 'http://'; } else { // Switch to secure $from = 'http://'; $to = 'https://'; } $redirect_to = str_replace($from, $to, $request->getUri()); return $controller->redirect($redirect_to, 0, 301); } ?>
The previous method is really pretty simple. If doRequest is called, it means that the current protocol is not valid. So, if it is HTTP, make it tHTTPS. If it's HTTPS, make it HTTP.
Finishing Up
When you're finishing up, make sure you clear your cache via ./symfony cc
and then test it on your site. Make sure that your strict option is working, and you should check each individual module and action to make sure you didn't forget anything.