Monday, October 10, 2011

Forcing SSL and HTTPS with Redirects on Symfony 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Forcing SSL on certain modules and actions used to be pretty simple with Symfony's sfSslRequirementPlugin, however since Symfony 1.2 came out - it isn't necessarily compatible. I took a look around the internet for options, however I was rather unsatisfied with the options. Because I need to be able to secure modules and actions, I took it upon myself to create a better way to secure modules.

The code I wrote It is based off of Say No To Flash's filter that they wrote, however I was generally displeased with their method. t loops over the list twice, and is generally a garble of logic that is a little bit hard to understand, and could probably be done better.

I was planning on making this system more complicated by specifying if SSL was enabled or disabled by default, however that became too distorted in the code to make good, logical sense that was easy to read and maintain.

Edit your filters.yml File

Open up your apps/app_name/config/filters.yml file, and add in after the security filter:

 sslFilter:   class: sslFilter 

This code tells Symfony to load and execute the filter you'll be creating.

It should look something like this:

 rendering: ~  security:  ~  sslFilter:   class: sslFilter  cache:     ~  common:    ~  execution: ~ 

Edit your app.yml File

Open the apps/app_name/config/app.yml file, and add the following at the end:

 all:   ssl:     strict: true     modules:       - { module: some_module }       - { module: another_module }       - { module: insecure_module, action: secure_action }       - { module: insecure_module, action: another_secure_action } 

In the previous code, the strict: true code forces strict checking. Strict

checking means that if someone accesses a URL that isn't specified as secure via HTTPS, it will redirect them to the HTTP. If strict is set to false, it will allow them to access any module through HTTPS.

After that, the - { module: insecure_module, action: another_secure_action }code is how you set each module and action. If you want an entire module to be secure, don't include the action section of that, however you need a line like that for every module and action you want to secure.

Create a Filter

Create a file in apps/app_name/lib/ named sfSslFilter.class.php, and put in it:

 <?php /**  * @author Graham Christensen  *  */ class sslFilter extends sfFilter {     public function execute ($filterChain) {         $context = $this->getContext();         $request = $context->getRequest();          // Perform strict checking of security         // IE: If it's HTTPS and shouldn't be, make it HTTP         if (sfConfig::has('app_ssl_strict')) {             $only_explicit = (bool)                              sfConfig::get('app_ssl_strict');         } else {             $only_explicit = false;         }          // Get a list of all the modules to check for         $modules = sfConfig::get('app_ssl_modules');          // Set the modules variable to an array, this is         // if it's not configured for this particular environment.         if (!is_array($modules)) {             $modules = array();         }          // Store the module name and action name into variables         // to simplify the code, and reduce function calls.         $module_name = $context->getModuleName();         $action_name = $context->getActionName();          // Check if the current request matches a security module         // If the module or module & action is specified, then         // ensure it's correctly set.         $listed = false;         foreach ($modules as $action) {             // If the module name is listed             if ($action['module'] == $module_name) {                 // If the whole module is listed, or the action                 // specifically                 if (!isset($action['action'])                     || $action_name == $action['action']) {                     $listed = true;                     break;                 }             }         }          $is_secure = $request->isSecure();          // If modules have to be explicitly listed, it is         // secure, and it's not listed - then redirect         if ($only_explicit && $is_secure && !$listed) {             return self::doRedirect($context);         }          // If it's not secure, and it's listed as having to be         if (!$is_secure && $listed) {             return self::doRedirect($context);         }          // Continue on with the chain, but it will only do that if         // we didn't need to redirect.         $filterChain->execute();     }      public static function doRedirect($context) {         $request = $context->getRequest();         $controller = $context->getController();          // Determine which direction we want to go         if ($request->isSecure()) {             // Switch to insecure             $from = 'https://';             $to   = 'http://';         } else {             // Switch to secure             $from = 'http://';             $to   = 'https://';         }          $redirect_to = str_replace($from, $to, $request->getUri());         return $controller->redirect($redirect_to, 0, 301);     } } ?> 

The beginning of this is pretty simple, it just gets the configuration settings outlined in theapp.yml file, and then goes to town doing it's job.

 <? // Check if the current request matches a security module // If the module or module & action is specified, then // ensure it's correctly set. $listed = false; foreach ($modules as $action) {     // If the module name is listed     if ($action['module'] == $module_name) {         // If the whole module is listed, or the action         // specifically         if (!isset($action['action'])             || $action_name == $action['action']) {             $listed = true;             break;         }     } } ?> 

That code goes over every module in the app.yml file, and sees if the current requests' module matches, or if the module and action matches. If it does, it sets $listed to true and exits the loop. This tells the code that it is needs to ensure security on the current request.

 <?php> // If modules have to be explicitly listed, it is // secure, and it's not listed - then redirect if ($only_explicit && $is_secure && !$listed) {     return self::doRedirect($context); } ?> 

That code ensures that if explicit checking is on and that the request is currently using HTTPS and it shouldn't be, it is redirected to become HTTP.

 <?php // If it's not secure, and it's listed as having to be if (!$is_secure && $listed) {     return self::doRedirect($context); } ?> 

If the module/action is listed as needing to be secure and it isn't, then perform the redirect.

 <?php public static function doRedirect($context) {     $request = $context->getRequest();     $controller = $context->getController();      // Determine which direction we want to go     if ($request->isSecure()) {         // Switch to insecure         $from = 'https://';         $to   = 'http://';     } else {         // Switch to secure         $from = 'http://';         $to   = 'https://';     }      $redirect_to = str_replace($from, $to, $request->getUri());     return $controller->redirect($redirect_to, 0, 301); } ?> 

The previous method is really pretty simple. If doRequest is called, it means that the current protocol is not valid. So, if it is HTTP, make it tHTTPS. If it's HTTPS, make it HTTP.

Finishing Up

When you're finishing up, make sure you clear your cache via ./symfony cc and then test it on your site. Make sure that your strict option is working, and you should check each individual module and action to make sure you didn't forget anything.

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